Saturday, June 11, 2011

Warning: Extreme Choking Hazard

When I was in fifth grade, I got sick.  At first it seemed it was just a cold, but the cough and lung issues did not go away in a reasonable amount of time.  Eventually it was determined that I had an asthma-like condition called RAD or reactive airway disease.  What this meant at the time was some medications, some tests, and cleaning out my entire bedroom that summer to rid it of any dust and other allergens.  We boxed up everything and moved it to the basement to be cleaned/sorted/dusted and brought back in.  We also purchased the cheap air filter that I have to this day - it likely does very little filtration anymore, but to this day I can't sleep without white noise.

Ten years later, I finally started to go through the stuff.  For years it sat in the basement, just collecting more dust.  Since then, I've accumulated far more stuff, I am no longer really diagnosed with any breathing issues, and the time capsule of my fifth grade life has been largely ignored.  But no longer!

This post is the first in a series showing what I found.

I thought Micro Machines were the coolest.  This set (off-brand) was NASA themed.  But when I opened the astronaut head that held the set I found a Stormtrooper.  I don't know if this was a mistake or just something I did to make NASA way cooler.

But it was pretty cool.  The rocket launched on this side, and the other side had a moon landing scene with a lunar module AND an astronaut that caused a flag to pop-up.
The Stormtrooper came from this set.  Which is so cool!  It looks like Darth Vader's mask!

This Empire Strikes Back set also had some really cool movable pieces.
Watch out Luke, I have a bad feeling that Vader is about to drop some knowledge on you and then smash that window.
Chewie, you're great and all, but I would have a lot more hope for C-3PO's future if his parts were not melded to your back.
My goodness!  That man can't move!  He's trapped in plastic!  On second thought, he's no worse off than everybody else...
More to come!

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